Dear Readers
It is our pleasure to present to you this page www on our town, a health resort. We are surę that after reading what we have to offer, you will want to visit Szczawnica, whether for health reasons or simply to relax, taking advantage of its unique microclimate and the beautiful countryside, as well as the wide variety of healing minerał waters and medical care we can offer. The area is blessed with many architectural treasures and interesting walks along marked trails, but our piece de resistance must surely be the matchless river rafting experience down the Dunajec Gorge.
The Mayor of Szczawnica
Administratively Poland is divided into 16 provinces. One of them is the Małopolskie Province, situ.ated in the southern part of the country, in the area of the upper River Vistula basin - a region with long and rich history interwoven with the native history, a land of priceless monuments of art and an ebullient tourist and economic region.
The Małopolskie Province borders on the Śląskie Province in the west, the Świętokrzyskie Province in the north, the Podkarpackie Province in the east and the Republic of Slovakia in the south. The present Małopolskie Province is divided into 19 land and 3 town districts and into 182 comrnunes. Its area covers 15 144 km2 and is inhabited by over 3.2 min persons, over 50% of which live in 55 towns. The biggest of them are Kraków, Tarnów, Gorlice, Oświęcim and Nowy Sącz.
Kraków is the capital of the region. The former capital of Poland, the residential town of the kings, their coronation and burial place, at present is still the spiritual, artistic and intellectual capital of Poland.
The grounds within the Małopolskie Province area are characterised by great geographical variety from valleys, limestone upland strips, the woody and hilly Beskidy and Pieniny Mountains to the highest Tatra Mountains.
In the province, 6 national parks and 80 nature reserves are established and open to visitors.

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